Tuesday, March 25, 2008


the key to making of this book for me is to think of it as the perfect dummy.
I won't be completely satisfied with the writing or the layouts, but i'm enjoying making the whole thing happen. If i remain as motivated, in the summer i'll revisit and redo many parts of the book. I'm sure after having the physical book in my hands for the first time i'll come across all sort of problems, so instead of preventing it and all the hesitation i'll go ahead.
The only downside is the expense of all the printing ad binding, which shouldn't be all that much for the experience.
i'm revisiting my spreads from last week now, seems like i will have 5 booklet:
- City and the surrounding mountains
- typography ad textures
- Christo in Tehran
- conversations with cab drivers
- TV

I have material for these, if i can find the time :
- empty billboards series
- audio book
- traffic, getting around the city, snapshots of commute